If the pandemic has taught us anything…

it is the importance of a well-fitting mask to protect your respiratory system from potentially dangerous materials in the air.

 A mask is only as good as the seal of the mask to assure the expected level of protection.

Minimizing leakage both into and out of the mask is critical to ensure that contaminants are not leaked.

A respirator that does not fit properly can result in harmful exposure to pathogens and particles in the environment that can create a safety and health risk. 

hazmat preparation
hazmat training

At EES Consulting, we offer OSHA-certified, industry-leading fit testing for individuals or entire organizations.

With both qualitative and quantitative fit testing for masks as part of your personal protective equipment (PPE), our machine-measured leakage testing services include online, physician-reviewed medical approval for masks, wallet cards for proof of certification, and on-site availability for fit testing or fit testing at a certified testing center. 

EES Fit Testing provides documented records and assurance that the protective mask you wear is providing the level of protection you expect.

Designed for facilities that require masking, including medical and labs, manufacturing and industrial companies, and chemical companies, our fit testing is used for half-face, full face, N95 masks, and most other variations. Schedule your fit test today for a more effective and safer protective solution for your people.

Contact us.